Holistic Health Care Appeals to Millennials

Millennials represent a quarter of the US population
Born between 1982 and 2000
8 million more than the Baby Boomers alive today
Will Account for more than $1.4 trillion in spending per year by 2020

What is driving them to Holistic Healthcare?
* Desire for more Natural forms of care
*Desire for lower cost
*General dislike towards large institutions
*Desire alternatives to drugs and surgery
*Care that supports better life balance
*Wellness Programs and Nutrition for fast-paced lifestyle

McKinzie Chiropractic & Nutrition
Meeting the needs of Millennials and all generations!
  • Specific Upper Cervical Chiropractic care – “no popping or cracking”
  • Whole food nutrition products- supplements packaged for on-the-go consumers
  • Weight-loss programs-not based on fad diets but sound science
  • Life Balance approach to care
  • Essential Oils – many OTC meds can be replaced with Essential Oils
  • Orthotics and other rehab supplies
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